Ben 10 is a media franchise created by Man of Action, produced by Cartoon Network Studios, and owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment. The show is focused on a boy named Ben Tennyson, who after discovering the alien-wristwatch, the Omnitrix, becomes an ever transforming hero that saves the day. The franchise has continued to air new episodes, films and specials from December 27, 2005 through April 11, 2021.
The series was extremely popular, spawning multiple sequel series, multiple live action and animated films, and video games. The franchise's success has made it one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time, and is now Cartoon Network's second longest running and existing franchise.
The 2016 reboot of Ben 10 (2016 TV series) was the last Ben 10 project to publicly come out of Cartoon Network Studios. As of the last air date, April 11, 2021, there has been almost no word from the studio of any future projects. However, there has been interest expressed by the original creator, Duncan, Roulaeu
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