Freezer Food!

Cold to the touch!

Heat to Eat v Frozen Treat

One staple of any dorm freezer are the ready-heat meals. Be it out of laziness or class being on short notice, you should always make sure to stock the freezer with some ice cold sustinance. Desserts are much less of a priority and having them comes down to preference.

Frozen meals come in many forms, but for dorm living, small, complete meals are best. Individual ingredients are fine if they're kept to a minimum. You've only got so much space in there!

Meal Boxes

These are single-use boxes that take up quite a lot of space and vary in quality based on price. These are a good indulgence once in a while. One or two stocked in the freezer is usually pretty economical. Think Stouffers and Bombay!

Pack Meals

Pack meals are packages with multiple ready-made food products. These are not always equal, as some people choose to eat snacks for their meal, but make sure to check the calories to price and quantity to price to make sure that you're getting the best deal for the most calories. Also, be sure you want to eat this over multiple days. Hot Pockets, frozen taquitos, and frozen nuggets fall into this catagory.

Snack "Meals"

Beware the snack meal! Similar to the pack meal, these boxes are ready-made, and look deceptively delicious and large, but they're also expensive and unsatisfying! Usually, these are meant for single use, and are some kind of party snack you'd be better off getting at a restauraunt. This category includes Friday's food, the Bibigo dumpling 6-packs, and lots of overpiced pizza.


Frozen dessert is something we all love, but your freezer doesn't have all that much space, and you don't have all that much money! Try keeping your sweet treat to a 1-unit maximum at any given time. When you've eaten it all, then refill or try a new one! I reccommend buying one big tub of your favorite flavor of ice cream, and keeping some nuts or sprinkles in storage. Desserts can range from pie to popsicles to ice cream and more.